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Report_Number_Generation Function Details:
Function Name: Report_Number_Generation
Function Description:
Function Documentation:
This function creates a reference for the submitted
document and saves it in the specified 'edsrn' file.

After generating the reference, also sets the global variable 'rn'
containing this reference.


  * edsrn: name of the file in which the reference is saved

  * autorngen: one of "A", "N", "Y"
               "A": The reference is the submission number
               "N": The reference is taken from a file [edsrn]
               "Y": The reference is generated

  * rnin: name of the file containing the category

  * counterpath: path to the counter file note you can use:
                 yy to include year
                 categ to include category of the
                 file[re]:name_of_file[regular expression to match] first line of file
                    generated by submission, matching [re]
                 file*[re]:name_of_file [regular expression to match] all the lines of
                    a file genereated during submission, matching [re]
                    separated by - (dash) char .

  * rnformat: format for the generated reference. You can use:
                 yy to include year
                 categ to include category of the
                file[re]:name_of_file[regular expression to match] first line of file
                    generated by submission, matching [re]
                file*[re]:name_of_file [regular expression to match] all the lines of
                    a file genereated during submission, matching [re]
                    separated by - (dash) char .

  * yeargen: if "AUTO", current year, else the year is
             extracted from the file [yeargen]

             * nblength: the number of digits for the report
              number. Eg: '3' for XXX-YYYY-025 or '4'
              for XXX-YYYY-0025. If more are needed
              (all available digits have been used),
              the length is automatically
              extended. Choose 1 to never have leading
              zeros. Default length: 3.

  * initialvalue: Initial value for the counter, 0 by default

Parameters for Function Report_Number_Generation:


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