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Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage Function Details:
Function Name: Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage
Function Description:
Function Documentation:
The function moves files uploaded using the
Create_Upload_Files_Interface.py function.

It reads the action previously performed by the user on the files
and calls the corresponding functions of bibdocfile.

@param parameters:(dictionary) - must contain:
  + iconsizes: sizes of the icons to create (when applicable),
               separated by commas. Eg: 180>,700>

  + createIconDoctypes: the list of doctypes for which an icon
                        should be created.
                          ('|' separated values)
                          Use '*' for all doctypes

  + forceFileRevision: when revising attributes of a file
                       (comment, description) without
                       uploading a new file, force a revision of
                       the current version (so that old comment,
                       description, etc. is kept) (1) or not (0).

Parameters for Function Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage:


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