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Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage Function Details:
Function Name: Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage
Function Description:
Function Documentation:
The function revises the files of a record with the newly uploaded

This function can work only if you can define a mapping from the
WebSubmit element name that uploads the file, to the doctype of
the file. In most cases, the doctype is equivalent to the element
name, or just map to 'Main' doctype. That is typically the case if
you use the Move_Files_to_Storage.py function to upload the files
at submission step. For eg. with the DEMOBOO submission of the
Atlantis Demo site, a file is uploaded thanks to the DEMOBOO_FILE
element/File input, which is mapped to doctype DEMOBOO_FILE.

The function ignores files for which multiple files exist for a
single doctype in the record, or when several files are uploaded
with the same element name.  If the record to revise does not have
a corresponding file, the file is inserted

This function is similar to Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage.py,
excepted that Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage relies on files
uploaded from the web interface created by
Create_Upload_Files_Interface.py, while this function relies on
the files uploaded by a regular WebSubmit page that you have built
from WebSubmit admin:

Regular WebSubmit interface       --(upload file)-->  Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage.py
Create_Upload_Files_Interface.py  --(upload file)-->  Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage.py

The main advantages of this function over the functions
Create_Upload_Files_Interface.py/Move_Uploaded_Files_to_Storage is
that it lets you customize the display of your submission in the
way you want, which could be simpler for your users if you usually
only upload a few and fixed number of files per record. The
disadvantages are that this function is not capable of : deleting
files, adding an alternative format to a file, add a variable
number of files, does not allow to set permissions at the level of
file, does not support user comments, renaming, etc.

@param parameters:(dictionary) - must contain:

  + elementNameToDoctype: maps an element/field name to a doctype.
                          Eg. the file uploaded from the
                          DEMOBOO_FILE element (input file tag)
                          should revise the file with document
                          type (doctype) "Main":
                          ('=' separates element name and doctype
                           '|' separates each doctype/element name group)

                          In most cases, the element name == doctype:

  + createIconDoctypes: the list of doctypes for which an icon
                        should be created when revising the file.
                          ('|' separated values)
                          Use '*' for all doctypes

  + iconsize: size of the icon to create (when applicable)

  + keepPreviousVersionDoctypes: the list of doctypes for which
                                 the function should keep previous
                                 versions visible when revising a
                                 ('|' separated values)
                                 Default is all

  + createRelatedFormats: if uploaded files get converted to
                          whatever format we can (1) or not (0)

Parameters for Function Move_Revised_Files_to_Storage:


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