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Move_Photos_to_Storage Function Details:
Function Name: Move_Photos_to_Storage
Function Description:
Function Documentation:
The function moves files received from the submission's form
through the PHOTO_MANAGER element and its asynchronous uploads at

    @iconsize - Seperate multiple sizes with commas. The ImageMagick geometry inputs are supported.
          Use type 'geometry' as defined in ImageMagick.
          (eg. 320 or 320x240 or 100> or 5%)
          Example: "180>,700>" will create two icons, one with maximum dimension 180px, one 700px
    @iconformat - Allowed extensions (as defined in websubmit_icon_creator.py) are:
            "pdf", "gif", "jpg",
            "jpeg", "ps", "png", "bmp"
            "eps", "epsi", "epsf"

The PHOTO_MANAGER elements builds the following file organization
in the directory curdir::

    |                                   |                                  |
  files/                         PHOTO_MANAGER_ICONS                     icons/
    |                            PHOTO_MANAGER_ORDER                       |
 (user id)/                      PHOTO_MANAGER_DELETE                  (user id)/
    |                            PHOTO_MANAGER_NEW                         |
 NewFile/                        PHOTO_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION_X           NewFile/
    |                                                                      |
    _______________________                                      _____________________
   |            |          |                                    |          |          |
 photo1.jpg  myPhoto.gif   ...                             photo1.jpg  myPhoto.gif   ...

where the files are:
  - PHOTO_MANAGER_ORDER: ordered list of file IDs. One per line.

  - PHOTO_MANAGER_ICONS: mappings from file IDs to URL of the icons.
                         One per line. Separator: /

  - PHOTO_MANAGER_NEW: mapping from file ID to filename on disk. Only
                       applicable to files that have just been
                       uploaded (i.e. not bibdocfiles). One per
                       line. Separator: /

  - PHOTO_MANAGER_DELETE: list of files IDs that must be deleted. One
                           per line

  - PHOTO_MANAGER_DESCRIPTION_X, where X is file ID: contains photos
                                 descriptions (one per file)

Parameters for Function Move_Photos_to_Storage:


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