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Move_Files_to_Storage Function Details:
Function Name: Move_Files_to_Storage
Function Description:
Function Documentation:
The function moves files received from the standard submission's
form through file input element(s). The document are assigned a
'doctype' (or category) corresponding to the file input element
(eg. a file uploaded throught 'DEMOPIC_FILE' will go to
'DEMOPIC_FILE' doctype/category).

Websubmit engine builds the following file organization in the
directory curdir/files:

        |                                   |                          |
  ./file input 1 element's name      ./file input 2 element's name    ....
     (for eg. 'DEMOART_MAILFILE')       (for eg. 'DEMOART_APPENDIX')
     |                                     |
  test1.pdf                             test2.pdf

There is only one instance of all possible extension(pdf, gz...) in each part
otherwise we may encounter problems when renaming files.

+ parameters['rename']: if given, all the files in curdir/files
  are renamed.  parameters['rename'] is of the form:
  elemfilename[re]* where re is an regexp to select(using
  re.sub) what part of the elem file has to be selected.
  e.g: file:TEST_FILE_RN

+ parameters['documenttype']: if given, other formats are created.
  It has 2 possible values: - if "picture" icon in gif format is created
                            - if "fulltext" ps, gz .... formats are created

+ parameters['paths_and_suffixes']: directories to look into and
  corresponding suffix to add to every file inside. It must have
  the same structure as a Python dictionnary of the following form
  {'FrenchAbstract':'french', 'EnglishAbstract':''}

  The keys are the file input element name from the form <=>
  directories in curdir/files The values associated are the
  suffixes which will be added to all the files in
  e.g. curdir/files/FrenchAbstract

+ parameters['iconsize'] need only if 'icon' is selected in

+ parameters['paths_and_restrictions']: the restrictions to apply
  to each uploaded file. The parameter must have the same
  structure as a Python dictionnary of the following form:
  Files not specified in this parameter are not restricted.
  The specified restrictions can include a variable that can be
  replaced at runtime, for eg:
  {'DEMOART_APPENDIX':'restricted to file:SuE'}

+ parameters['paths_and_doctypes']: if a doctype is specified,
  the file will be saved under the 'doctype/collection' instead
  of under the default doctype/collection given by the name
  of the upload element that was used on the websubmit interface.
  to configure the doctype in websubmit, enter the value as in a
  dictionnary, for eg:
  Demo_Export_Via_Sword [DEMOSWR] Document Types

Parameters for Function Move_Files_to_Storage:


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