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Create_Modify_Interface Function Details:
Function Name: Create_Modify_Interface
Function Description:
Function Documentation:
    Create an interface for the modification of a document, based on
    the fields that the user has chosen to modify. This avoids having
    to redefine a submission page for the modifications, but rely on
    the elements already defined for the initial submission i.e. SBI
    action (The only page that needs to be built for the modification
    is the page letting the user specify a document to modify).

    This function should be added at step 1 of your modification
    workflow, after the functions that retrieves report number and
    record id (Get_Report_Number, Get_Recid). Functions at step 2 are
    the one executed upon successful submission of the form.

    Create_Modify_Interface expects the following parameters:

       * "fieldnameMBI" - the name of a text file in the submission
        working directory that contains a list of the names of the
        WebSubmit fields to include in the Modification interface.
        These field names are separated by"
" or "+".

       * "prefix" - some content displayed before the main
         modification interface. Can contain HTML (i.e. needs to be
         pre-escaped). The prefix can make use of Python string
         replacement for common values (such as 'rn'). Percent signs
         (%) must consequently be escaped (with %%).

       * "suffix" - some content displayed after the main modification
         interface. Can contain HTML (i.e. needs to be
         pre-escaped). The suffix can make use of Python string
         replacement for common values (such as 'rn'). Percent signs
         (%) must consequently be escaped (with %%).

       * "button_label" - the label for the "END" button.

       * "button_prefix" - some content displayed before the button to
         submit the form. Can contain HTML (i.e. needs to be
         pre-escaped). The prefix can make use of Python string
         replacement for common values (such as 'rn'). Percent signs
         (%) must consequently be escaped (with %%).

       * "dates_conversion" - by default, values interpreted as dates
         are converted to their 'DD/MM/YYYY' format, whenever
         possible. Set another value for a different behaviour
         (eg. 'none' for no conversion)

    Given the list of WebSubmit fields to be included in the
    modification interface, the values for each field are retrieved
    for the given record (by way of each WebSubmit field being
    configured with a MARC Code in the WebSubmit database).  An HTML
    FORM is then created. This form allows a user to modify certain
    field values for a record.

    The file referenced by 'fieldnameMBI' is usually generated from a
    multiple select form field): users can then select one or several
    fields to modify

    Note that the function will display WebSubmit Response elements,
    but will not be able to set an initial value: this must be done by
    the Response element iteself.

    Additionally the function creates an internal field named
    'Create_Modify_Interface_DONE' on the interface, that can be
    retrieved in curdir after the form has been submitted.
    This flag is an indicator for the function that displayed values
    should not be retrieved from the database, but from the submitted
    values (in case the page is reloaded). You can also rely on this
    value when building your WebSubmit Response element in order to
    retrieve value either from the record, or from the submission

Parameters for Function Create_Modify_Interface:


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