This function is used in a "withdraw approval request" submission in order to register the withdral of the request in the WebSubmit "Approvals" DB (sbmAPPROVAL). At the time of the approval request withdrawal, the document could be in one of several different approval "states" and depending upon that state, the action taken by this function differs. The states are as follows: * Approval of the document has previously been requested and it is still in the "waiting" state. -> In this case, the status of the document in the sbmAPPROVAL table is set to "withdrawn". * Approval for the document has never been requested. -> In this case, there is nothing to do. * Approval of the document has previously been requested, but the document was rejected. -> In this case, it's too late to withdraw the approval request and there is nothing left to do. * Approval of the document has previously been requested and it has been approved. -> In this case, it's too late to withdraw the approval request and there is nothing left to do. * Approval of the document has previously been requested, but the request withdrawn. -> In this case, there is nothing to do. @param categ_file_withd: (string) - some document types are separated into different categories, each of which has its own referee(s). In such document types, it's necessary to know the document- type's category in order to choose the referee. This parameter provides a means by which the category information can be extracted from a file in the current submission's working directory. It should therefore be a filename. @param categ_rnseek_withd: (string) - some document types are separated into different categories, each of which has its own referee(s). In such document types, it's necessary to know the document- type's category in order to choose the referee. This parameter provides a means by which the category information can be extracted from the document's reference number. It is infact a string that will be compiled into a regexp and an attempt will be made to match it agains the document's reference number starting from the left-most position. The only pre-requisite is that the segment in which the category is sought should be indicated with . Thus, an example might be as follows: ATL(-COM)?--.+ This would allow "PHYS" in the following reference number to be recognised as the category: ATL-COM-PHYS-2008-001 @return: (string) - a message for the user. @Exceptions raised: + InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop when the submission should be halted. + InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError when an unexpected error has been encountered and execution cannot continue.